Friday, July 30, 2010

Leave My Bush Alone


Obama Sitting Although it seems that President Obama is tired of getting “Bush”.








Family Fued Contestants I asked 100 Americans, Should The President leave their “Bush” alone?

The top two answers are on the board. Let’s play!

“The President Has It Wrong Again”



With an economy still in the midst of a recovery and last month's unemployment rate of 9.5% according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLS). Survey says, the number one answer is.

95 Americans say “Leave My Bush Alone”. These were not only the wealthiest Americans but also some of the poorer ones who enjoy their “Busch” more than the White House is willing to admit.


Busch Beer Legs Cold as a mountain stream, smooth as its name. 






The number two answer on the board.


Golden Gate Shadow 5 Americans don't like “Bush” never have and never will. These are “Happy Americans” who are content to live their lives without “Bush”.





In announcing that he will let President Bush's 2003 tax rates expire, President Obama thinks that he and the Democrats can play their usual class war to justify raising taxes on the rich. If Bush's tax cuts expire Estate Tax will jump from 0 to 55% and the top income tax rate will go from 35 to 41%.

Why are the rich seen as a solution to The President's poor management of the economy?

Stock market data with downtrend vector It is stupid to raise anyone's taxes in the midst of a slow economic recovery.

Mr. Obama's higher spending (stimulus package) and higher taxes approach is idiotic.




Who has the potential to spur the economy more than the rich? Furthermore, increasing the top income tax rate could hurt small businesses that contribute a great deal to the economy. These businesses create JOBS, Mr. President and they are primarily owned by hard working, risk taking wealthy Americans.

Maybe the time has come to cut government spending especially in the “Government Hand Out” department. By playing the class war card, Democrats win favor with those who are not willing to work hard, take risk or personal responsibility.

However, I am convinced they will lose in November. Proving once again, The President and Democrats are wrong about how most Americans feel about the issues.


What a bunch of donkeys!







Rick James Mr. Obama, I am a hard working American who has taken risk and although I am not rich yet, you will reward me by raising my taxes. Capital gains rate will jump 5% in 2011.

How can I ever become like Rick James, I’m RICH BITCH, if you do this? 



President BushSo Mr. President, would you be so kind to go home to Mrs. Obama and Leave My “Bush” Alone.






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