Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Unusual Suspects


For the past few days, I have been the victim of a crime literally committed in my own backyard.


Duck 001 Although I have delayed calling the authorities, I have personally collected evidence from the crime scene to present in court if it becomes necessary.






Duck 003 Informal interviews with my neighbors have ruled out the usual suspects but produced some quacky possibilities.





Living in South Florida this is the time of the year when some of us truly get to enjoy the fruits of our labor.


 Duck 004                                                                                                                               As a proud mango tree owner, I look forward to harvesting my full grown Hadens right from the tree. Chilled and sliced these are a bit of heaven on earth, delicious.




Understandably, hurricanes are a threat to this simple pleasure but one would not expect a pair of savvy criminals to also be an obstacle.

With the help of neighborhood kids, sketches of the criminals have been circulated and if you happen to see these suspects DO NOT APPROACH them. Call 911. They are considered winged and dangerous.


squirrel Suspect Number 1






It seems that Suspect Number 1 climbs the tree and aggressively knocks the fruit down then consumes a part of it before leaving the rest for Suspect Number 2.


duck-picture Suspect Number 2

This is a relentless, fearless and purposeful tag team effort designed to prevent me and possibly others from enjoying a simple pleasure of summer.



These criminals must be stopped or you might be their next victim.

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