Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Big Fat Lip


Over the years some of us have had the opportunity to receive more presents than others but I am sure only a few of our presents have been memorable.

Skipping my last birthday, this one and the one before last I have received almost identical presents from almost identical sources.


Lips However, I think this year takes the cake and I have a Landon's Lollipop to prove it.





Some say love, it is a razor, that leaves your soul to bleed and now I can say the same thing about my face when it comes to playing street basketball on my birthday.


Lips 003 Three years ago I received eight stitches over my right eye only to be out done this year with ten stitches to my upper lip.





Upon friends learning of my injury, disappointments were expressed that regrettably both of my lips were not stitched together at Broward Urgent Care. I think the excellent staff there would require a little more bribe than front row tickets to a Rolling Stones Concert to do so.


I Luv LA 040 If this happens again on my birthday, I am going to be convinced there is a conspiracy to keep old good looking guys from playing street basketball.





For now I am on the injured reserve list but as my now lip role model friend Mick Jagger would say, “If you start me up I'll never stop”.


Lips 001 In the mean time, if the lips can work for Mick, then ladies you better watch out.

Yeah babe, Yeah!





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