With 13 charges brought against him by US House Of Representative Ethics Committee, Representative Charles Rangel of Harlem New York is following in President Clinton’s footsteps in addressing the issues before him.
The lawmaker said he saw no way in which the case would make him abandon public office.
To paraphrase, I am above the law, I am “The Black Bill Clinton”.
Explain to me a lay person, Mr. Rangel. How can the former Chairman of The House Ways and Means Committee who is responsible for writing tax laws forget to pay his “F'ng Taxes”?
Kind of like getting a BJ without calling it having sex! Heh-heh-heh-heh. Wright!
Is not reporting $600,000 income just an honest mistake? Or were you trying to defraud the IRS?
Wait don't incriminate yourself, after all you do not want your kids and grand kids to find out you might be a crook.
Ooh, you twickster!
Is that how you paid for this disgusting relaxing vacation in Dominican Republic?
Unfortunately, with just two of these charges against them most Americans would not come close to receiving the benefits and treatment you are being given.
You disgrace me with your arrogance. I would not even hope you would do the honorable thing and resign because it is obvious you have no honor.
I can only hope that your constituents are smart and courageous enough to look beyond your “Blackness” and throw your ass out of office.
I can only hope that the election pattern in New Orleans with Mayor Nagin or in Washington DC with Mayor Barry is not repeated.
Instead, if charges are true I hope you end up like former Detroit Mayor Kilpatrick.
Like Elmer Fudd would say “It's the end of the wine, Tall Dark Stwanger. I have a warrant for your awwest!
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